IPA Probiotics Virtual SummitIPA Probiotics Virtual Summit

Probiotics Virtual Summit 2021 includes a series of live sponsored presentations and networking features.

Fran Schoenwetter, Content Marketing Director, SupplySide

January 27, 2021

The International Probiotics Association (IPA) and SupplySide Network 365 have partnered together to offer finished product manufacturers and marketers expert-level insights and content on the probiotics market. The content, initially slated for the SupplySide West 2020 in-person event, will help you fuel connections with leading ingredient suppliers and service providers. This Probiotics Virtual Summit will include a series of live sponsored presentations and networking features throughout the event.

About the Author

Fran Schoenwetter

Content Marketing Director, SupplySide, Informa Markets, Health & Nutrition

A strategic communications specialist, Fran has served the natural products industry with commitment and passion for decades. Her present role as content marketing director is a synergy of academic communications credentials and vast market-facing experience in natural products retail, wholesale, brand management and product formulation. Fran produces content that informs, engages and provokes new thinking in a world of shifting paradigms, optimizing audience engagement. Her forward-thinking content programs have been prestigiously recognized by Folio, including top honors in the Best B2B Content Marketing category. 

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