Alfalfa Spliced with Vitamin DAlfalfa Spliced with Vitamin D
May 1, 2000
Alfalfa Spliced with Vitamin D
TEMPE, Ariz.--A three-year, $300,000 grant from the Wallace Foundation is allowingresearchers at Arizona State University to attempt to splice genetic information for humanvitamin D binding protein into an alfalfa plant. Research on the protein has shown thatalong with its multiple roles in nutrition and bone strengthening, it may also play animportant role in activating the body's natural defenses against disease.
Using the protein as a treatment for ailing patients, it could potentially helpinvigorate and activate the body's fight against tumors or infectious agents. The alfalfawill be grown hydroponically to make and secrete the vitamin D binding protein from itsroots, to be harvested and purified for human use. For additional information, visit
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