The importance of magnesium: Addressing absorption challenges with new technology – white paperThe importance of magnesium: Addressing absorption challenges with new technology – white paper

October 12, 2023

1 Min Read
The importance of magnesium: Addressing absorption challenges with new technology

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Magnesium is a macroelement we have in our bodies in variable quantities that acts as a cofactor for more than 300 enzymes and is involved in numerous processes, ranging from the synthesis of essential neurotransmitters at the central level to the production and release of cellular energy. Magnesium, acting in balance with calcium, also intervenes in the regulation of fundamental processes such as muscle contraction, heartbeat, coagulation and blood pressure. 

Not all supplements on the market contain the same type of magnesium and absorption can be very limited or not tolerated well. SideMag® from Alesco s.r.l. is an innovative ingredient based on magnesium oxide that uses Sucrosomial® technology to address absorption challenges.

Download this white paper to learn more. 

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