Mintel Reports VMS Industry in Lull
March 1, 2001
Mintel Reports VMS Industry in Lull
CHICAGO--A new report from Mintel International Group statedthat vitamin and mineral industry sales topped $3.5 billion in 2000 but saleswill likely slow over the next two years. The report noted that it could reboundin 2002, after "doubts over the economy and presidency subside." Amongthe factors that could contribute to growth are the growing senior populationand newer Gen Y consumers learning about supplements.
Mintel reported that 42 percent of consumers claim to take a multivitaminregularly while an additional 31 percent take single vitamins and/or minerals,instead of multivitamins, on a regular basis. Through its research, whichsampled more than 1,000 U.S. adults, Mintel found that approximately 50 percentof consumers find information about vitamins confusing and almost 60 percentfind them to be too expensive. It broke consumers into four groups based ontheir attitudes, including vitamin junkies, "part of everyday diet,"skeptics and vitamin wannabes. For more information, visit
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