Memory and learning ability improvements across age groups with Brain Factor-7® (BF-7™) – white paperMemory and learning ability improvements across age groups with Brain Factor-7® (BF-7™) – white paper

April 27, 2023

1 Min Read

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In a series of in vitro, in vivo and various human clinical studies, it was found that Brain Factor-7® (BF-7), an enzymatic hydrolyzed silk fibroin peptide, exerts significant improvement on cognitive function, short and long-term memory and learning ability in a wide range of age groups - from children to the elderly. 

Read the white paper to learn more about the latests clinical studies: 

  • A  4-week study in children where BF-7improved Memory Quotient scores by 35% 

  • A study in college where that BF-7improved long-term verbal memory scores by 55%. 

  • Brain imaging Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) technology demonstrated BF-7intake increased cerebral blood flow.

  • And, an animal study found an increase in neurotransmitter acetylcholine levels in the brain. 

Plus, learn about how BF-7significantly enhanced learning and memory function of healthy adults in a dose-dependent manner, with a 21% increase in Memory Quotient scores at a dose of 400 mg/day.

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