Baby boomers looking for CBD ‘brake pedal’—podcastBaby boomers looking for CBD ‘brake pedal’—podcast
In this podcast, a naturopathic doctor, Colorado lobbyist and VP of a wholesale ingredient manufacturer discuss the hottest ingredient in the natural products industry—CBD.
In this podcast narrated by INSIDER's Josh Long, three experts explore science and policy issues around CBD, including:
The attractiveness of the compound to Baby Boomers;
Setting testing standards;
The potential role of Colorado in serving as a model for legislation in other states; and
Issues around the effectiveness and safety of CBD.
All three experts will be speaking March 5 during a CBD summit at Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, California. Don't miss hearing from naturopathic doctor Rob ("Doc Rob") Streisfeld, Colorado lobbyist Cindy Sovine of Sovine Consulting and Austin Stevenson of Nanogen Labs.
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