Plant Science Scholarship Established for Female StudentsPlant Science Scholarship Established for Female Students

October 17, 2013

2 Min Read
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DES MOINES, IowaA new scholarship has been established at the University of Illinois, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Science in the amount of $250,000. The Farley-Borlaug Scholars in Plant Science scholarship will fund female students studying plant breeding and biotechnology.

Dr. Robert T. Farley, vice president and chief technology officer of Monsanto, along with Monsanto, announced that both the him and the company will match his share of the World Food Prize award to establish the Fraley-Borlaug Scholars in Plant Science scholarship. On June 19, Farley, along with two other fellow 2013 laureates, were awarded for their world-changing achievements in founding, developing and applying modern agricultural biotechnology.

The advances being made in breeding, biotechnology and agronomics to improve crop yields are truly amazingbut, our work isnt done," Fraley said. Through the Fraley-Borlaug Scholars fund, were making an investment in the future to unlock the potential in the next generation of female scientists who will continue to drive innovation in safe and sustainable food production. Women are underrepresented in this scientific community today, yet they also make up the majority of smallholder farmers around the world and stand to gain the most from current and future innovations in plant science."

Dr. Norman Borlaug is being recognized as the father of the Green Revolution and is credited with saving more than 1 billion lives as a result of improved wheat production. In 1986, he created the World Food Prize to honor those who have made a significant and measurable contribution in improving the world's food supply.

My grandfather strongly believed in filling agricultures intellectual pipeline with young people," said Julie Borlaug, associate director of external affairs at the Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture at Texas A&M. I know he would be very proud of Dr. Fraley and Monsantos announcement today, and honored to have this scholarship fund created in his name."

Beginning in 2014, Monsanto plans to announce the annual beneficiaries of the Fraley-Borlaug scholarship in conjunction with the annual World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue symposium.

Dr. Fraleys work has helped shape modern agriculture science and is a real-life example of our mission to find solutions to the worlds most critical challenges," said Dr. Robert Easter, president of the University of Illinois. Were proud to count him among our alumni and to be his partner in inspiring the next generation of female innovators."

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