Organic, Non-GMO Stabilized Whole-Grain Milled CornOrganic, Non-GMO Stabilized Whole-Grain Milled Corn
October 25, 2013
TORONTOSunOpta Grains and Foods Group, of SunOpta, Inc., added organic and non-GMO stabilized whole-grain corn meals and flours to its line of milled corn ingredients.
The stabilized whole-grain milled corn, including meals and flours, were developed in response to increased consumer demand for whole-grain products. The value-added ingredient is stabilized to provide a longer shelf life and can be used in a variety of applications, including pastas, cereals, bakery products and snack foods. Quality is ensured through SunOptas vertical integration, which allows the company to be involved during the entire production process.
The organic and non-GMO milled corn ingredients provide a gluten-free and allergy-friendly solution in many applications," said Allan Routh, president, SunOpta Grains and Foods Group.
SunOpta also recently opened a specialty cocoa processing facility to processes internationally sourced cocoa beans into cocoa liquor, butter and powder.
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