New Mannitol Production Technique Developed by ARSNew Mannitol Production Technique Developed by ARS
May 23, 2005
New Mannitol Production Technique Developed by ARS
BELTSVILLE, Md.A newproduction method for mannitol, based on bacterial fermentation, has beendeveloped by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), the chief scientificresearch agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), in conjunctionwith Chicago-based zuChem Inc.
The new production method involves feeding high-fructose corn syrup to Lactobacillusintermedius bacteria in a deep-tank fermentor; withinseveral hours, the bacteria convert 72 percent of the syrup into mannitol. ARSobtained a patent (U.S. 6,855,526, B2) on the process in February.
In 2004, zuChem successfully petitioned the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) to approve mannitol produced by microbial fermentation.
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