IFIC Proposes Global NCDs Response StrategiesIFIC Proposes Global NCDs Response Strategies
April 17, 2012
WASHINGTONIn response to the World Health Organizations (WHO) request for public comments on options for strengthening and facilitating multi-sectoral action for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation submitted a letter highlighting key findings from its September 2011 Global Diet and Physical Activity Communications Summit: Insights to Motivate Healthful, Active Lifestyles," which was attended by stakeholders representing 34 nations.
Non-communicable diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are challenging societies around the world. The World Health Organization should ensure that science-based communication strategies and insights on consumer behavior are part of the global response, especially as WHO prepares its upcoming reports to the World Health Assembly and Secretary-General of the United Nations," said IFIC Foundation Executive Director Kimberly Reed. We believe what we have learned through our consumer surveys and our ability to bring diverse people together can contribute to a multi-sectoral partnership effort on ways to make progress in changing human behavior and improving health outcomes."
The letter noted the vast amount of information regarding consumer insights and behavior gleaned from the IFIC Foundations 2011 Food and Health Survey and the Dietary Guidelines Alliance consumer research conducted in liaison with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. This research emphasizes the importance of communication that is science-based and grounded in insights from consumers.
The IFIC Foundation suggested the recent U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, USDA and IFIC Foundation Expert Roundtable, Motivating Individuals to Achieve Sustained Healthful Diet and Physical Activity Behaviors: A Stakeholder Dialogue," as a model to inform the global response to NCDs.
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