Germany Outlines 10-Point Feed Safety Plan

January 17, 2011

1 Min Read
Germany Outlines 10-Point Feed Safety Plan

BERLINIn response to Germanys recent dioxin food safety scandal, German Agriculture and Consumer Protection Minister Ilse Aigner last week unveiled a new 10-point action plan to implement tougher animal feed regulations.

"We will significantly increase safety standards and sharpen obligations to notify authorities and the duty to inspect," she said. Consumers expect this and we are going to do it."

The action plan includes:

  1. Duty of feed producers to obtain authorization.

  2. Separation of production flows.

  3. Expansion of legal requirements in respect of feed controls.

  4. Duty of private laboratories to report.

  5. A binding positive list of feedstuffs.

  6. Duty to cover the risk of liability.

  7. Revision of the system of penalties.

  8. Expansion of dioxin monitoringestablishment of an early-warning system.

  9. Improvement of the quality of food and feed controls and inspection.

  10. Transparency for consumers.

In early January, high levels of dioxin were discovered in eggs and chicken meat, prompting the government to order the destruction of 8,000 chickens and a temporary ban on more than 1,000 farms from selling eggs. The source of the dioxin contamination was traced to animal feed laced with industrial fats that were substituted for vegetable fats at some point in the tainted feed's manufacturing process. Traces of dioxin have been found in at least 3,000 tons of an animal feed additive sold in Germany.

Click here to read the entire action plan.

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