FTC, FDA Shut Down Shady Internet MarketersFTC, FDA Shut Down Shady Internet Marketers
April 17, 2000
WASHINGTON--In early April, three companies selling dietary supplements over the Internet had operations suspended by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), working in conjunction with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The operations were shut down because the companies had made unsubstantiated claims regarding product efficacy and use. According to the FTC, the companies' use of Internet hyperlinks, metatags and mouseovers were also used in a deceptive manner.
Sarasota, Fla.-based CMO Distribution centers of America claimed its "cetylmyristoleate" supplement would cure arthritis and could be used to treat asthma, emphysema and cancer. The two other companies, Ashland, Ky.-based EHP Products and Crestone, Colo.-based Natural Heritage Enterprises, made similar claims. For information, visit the FTC website at www.ftc.gov.
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