EC Cautions Against Using AHAsEC Cautions Against Using AHAs
December 1, 2000
EC Cautions Against Using AHAs
LONDON--The European Commission (EC) asked one of its consumer protectioncommittees its opinion regarding the safety of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) inpersonal care products. The Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products andNon-Food Products Intended for Consumers (SCCNFP) presented findings this summerto the EC and recommended that the EC consider limiting the amount of AHAs inskin care products. SCCNFP also suggested making it compulsory for productscontaining AHAs to carry warning labels.
Earlier this year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Office ofWomen's Health sponsored two clinical studies on AHAs. Preliminary researchfound that AHAs may cause skin to be more sensitive to the sun's ultravioletrays, stimulating reddening, blistering and burning. A long-term safetyassessment follow-up is planned in collaboration with the National ToxicologyProgram.
However, some experts say that using sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or highershould protect an AHA user's skin. For more information, visit
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