Clinton Names Five to CAM Policy CommissionClinton Names Five to CAM Policy Commission
December 1, 2000
Clinton Names Five to CAM Policy Commission
WASHINGTON--President Bill Clinton has appointed five new members to theWhite House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Policy.This commission, through the Secretary of Health and Human Services, provideslegislative and administrative recommendations to the president. The appointeesnamed by Clinton are David Bresler, Ph.D., professor in the UCLA Departments ofAnesthesiology, Gnathology/Occlusion and Psychology; Veronica Gutierrez,practicing chiropractic medicine in Washington State; Linnea Larson, associatedirector of West Suburban Health Care Center for Integrative Medicine in OakPark, Ill.; Xiao Ming Tian, director of the Academy of Acupuncture and ChineseMedicine and Wildwood Acupuncture Center in Bethesda, Md.; and Donald Warren, ageneral dentist from Clinton, Ark. For more information, visit
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