What can maple syrup do for athletes? – podcastWhat can maple syrup do for athletes? – podcast
INSIDER's Steve Myers talks to researcher Jonathon Tremblay, Ph.D., University of Montreal, about the latest research on maple syrup, muscle bioenergetics and recovery hydration at the 2nd Annual Maple Symposium.
INSIDER's Steve Myers sat down with Jonathon Tremblay, Ph.D., associate professor, School of Kinesiology and Exercise Science, University of Montreal, at the 2nd Annual Global Symposium on Chemistry & Biological Effects of Maple Food Products during the American Chemical Society Conference in Orlando, Florida, to talk about the latest research on maple syrup and water on exercise performance. The symposium was sponsored by Québec Maple Syrup Producers.
This podcast will include discussion of:
How maple affects muscle bioenergetics and recovery hydration.
Why athletes may prefer maple-infused water over similar hydration beverages.
Future research considerations for maple in exercise performance and recovery.
Got feedback? Email Steve at [email protected], or tweet to @NatProdINSIDER using the hashtag #INSIDERpodcast.
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