SupplySide Sponsored Intensive: Sports RecoverySupplySide Sponsored Intensive: Sports Recovery
Learn about sports recovery solutions that are healthy, clean and can support performance.
Sports nutrition consumers seek super-charged functional foods and supplements that supply clean fuel, provide a training edge and aid in recovery–for all activities and through all generations. Consumers, athletes and otherwise now understand that what they put in their body greatly affects their health, so when it comes to energy and recovery, they want solutions that are healthy, clean and can support performance for the long hall.
11:30-11:34am - Introduction
11:35-11:45am - Sports Recovery: Double Benefits of PharmaGABA; Sponsored by Pharma Foods International Co. Ltd
11:45-11:55am - myHMB: The proactive solution for muscle recovery and DOMS; Sponsored by TSI USA
11:55am-12:05pm - Get your eggs-ercise over easy with NEMl Sponsored by Stratum Nutrition
12:05-12:15pm - CherryPURE® Optimized Recovery; Sponsored by Anderson Global Group
12:15-12:25pm - As active nutrition goes mainstream, the need for innovation and scientific research is vital to brands that want to stand out, Pharmako’s technologies and Gencor’s research can help differentiate brands from the pack; Sponsored by Gencor
12:25-12:45pm - Q&A with both participating Sponsors
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