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Joint Health Ingredients Flex the MarketJoint Health Ingredients Flex the Market
As more consumers recognize the importance of healthy joints throughout their lifetimes, they are turning to natural researched-backed ingredients that keep them flexible.
May 19, 2015

An estimated one-fifth of U.S. adults suffers from doctor-diagnosed arthritis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and two-thirds of obese people are likely to develop symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (OA) in their lifetime, making joint health a major concern for a large chunk of the population.
Due to the complex need, many joint health ingredients target three main areas—promoting healthy joint tissues, protecting against inflammation and relieving pain. In some cases, ingredients tackle all three mechanisms of action.
Undenatured type-2 collagen is a key ingredient for bolstering joint health. The ingredient has been reported to benefit both OA and healthy populations in clinical trials.
Glucosamine and chondroitin are recognized as the go-to combination for restoring joint health. “The same drivers of aging population, more active lifestyles and obesity will continue to make joint health a viable and attractive market segment," said Mike Fleagle, brand manager for Regenasure® glucosamine, Cargill. “We will continue to see different new ingredients being touted as joint health ingredients. Some will gain a marketable audience, most will not. Glucosamine is still the most widely used and discussed joint health ingredient."
Comprised of collagen, chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid—basically, the building blocks of connective tissue—natural eggshell membrane (NEM) offers a sustainable ingredient option for joint health.
In addition, “Curcumin has a long history of medicinal use due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and the science around curcumin has increased dramatically over the years with more than 7,000 citations currently in PubMed," said Lynda Doyle vice president of global marketing, OmniActive Health Technologies. As the bioactive component of turmeric, curcumin interacts with multiple inflammatory pathways—inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokine release and thereby suppressing inflammation.
Check out the research and more market data for the joint health market in the article “Happy Joints, Happy Life" in INSIDER’s Joint Health Content Library.
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