First Organic Producer Sports IFOAM Seal

May 1, 2000

1 Min Read
First Organic Producer Sports IFOAM Seal

First Organic Producer Sports IFOAM Seal

BEULAH, N.D.--Brush Creek Organic Farm, a beef producer, is the first organic producerto carry the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) seal on itslabel. The seal states that the farm has been IFOAM-accredited and meets IFOAM's organicstandards.

The farm, owned by Jim Kusler, has strong roots in North Dakota, and its emphasis is onrunning a "family" operation. The beef, now IFOAM-accredited, also bears theFarm Verified Organic (FVO) label.

"Very special congratulations go to Jim Kusler for giving the organic world thisglobal premiere and to FVO for their foresight and energetic support of the accreditationprogram," said IFOAM president, Linda Ballard. "We expect that many others willsoon join them and that a whole range of organic products carrying the IFOAM seal will beon display at our Scientific Conference and World Exposition in Basel [Switzerland] thisAugust."

For more information about IFOAM or the conference, visit Brush Creek may be contacted at R.R. #1,Box 160-C, Beulah, ND 58523.

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