Kellogg Hit with StarLink Contamination 37191Kellogg Hit with StarLink Contamination 37191
April 1, 2001
Kellogg Hit with StarLink Contamination
CHICAGO--The genetically modified (GM) corn, StarLink, has reared its ugly head again, this time in the form of a meatless corn dog. On March 8, Greenpeace announced that it found not only GM soy in three of Kellogg's Morningstar products, but also StarLink corn in its corn dog product. Kellogg Co. recalled all of the meatless corn dogs on March 14, when its own tests confirmed the presence of StarLink.
On Feb. 24, Greenpeace purchased three products from a Baltimore Safeway and sent them to the British laboratory that discovered traces of GM soy and corn. Because the lab did not have the facilities to test if the corn was StarLink, it was then sent to Iowa-based Genetic ID, which confirmed the StarLink contamination.
According to Kellogg, based in Battle Creek, Mich., the corn dogs were made in October 2000 from corn that was part of the 1999 harvest; the products contained GM soy due to a supplier's mistake. In an Associated Press article, Carla Cooper, president of Kellogg, said, "Through this full recall of corn dogs, we want to reassure our customers and consumers that their trust and confidence in Worthington products is of utmost importance to the company."
Greenpeace pointed out in a press release that Kellogg's had told customers it had weeded out all GM soy from its products as of last fall. Nonetheless, the company said that it had never labeled its products as GM-free.
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