Basic Health Publishes New Xylitol Book
May 26, 2003
Basic Health Publishes New Xylitol Book
NORTH BERGEN, N.J.--Basic Health Publicationsannounced a new book about the sweetener Xylitol entitled The Sweet Miracleof Xylitol. Xylitol is a sugar substitute derived from sources such as birchtree bark, berries, lettuce and corncobs, and does not require insulin tometabolize in the body, according to author Fran Gare, N.D. As such, it is wellsuited for sufferers of diabetes, insulin resistance and Syndrome X. Xylitol hasbeen approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a food additive formore than 25 years, according to Gare. The book (softcover, 84 pages, ISBN1-59120-038-5) includes sample weekly diet and several recipes using the Xylitolsubstitute. Additional benefits of using Xylitol include: it rates only seven onthe glycemic index as opposed to table sugar, which rates 110; it helps preventtooth decay by inhibiting plaque; and it has 75-percent fewer carbohydrates and40-percent fewer calories than table sugar.
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