Consumers demand sustainable packaging options – podcastConsumers demand sustainable packaging options – podcast
Consumers want sustainable, recyclable and compostable packages for the CPG products, according to market data from NMI.
CPG brands across all sectors must consider the sustainability of their packages, and this is particularly true for those in the natural products industry. Consumers want to avoid plastic and would rather spend their money on products that come in compostable, reusable and recyclable packages; however, they are not willing to give up convenience, according to Steve French, managing partner, Natural Marketing Institute (NMI). In this podcast with Sandy Almendarez, editor in chief, INSIDER, French discusses consumer desires for CPG packaging, including:
The increasing concern for the environment and the sustainability of the products consumers use
Seventy percent of consumers say products are overpackaged, so brands need to look at ways to cut out the materials they use
Consumers still want safe products that are convenient, so brands must address packaging needs without compromising on consumers’ other demands.
French is speaking at the SupplySide West Workshop, “Sustainable, Safe and Sanctioned Packaging for CPG Brands” on Friday, Oct. 18, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. in Las Vegas. This workshop is underwritten by Alpha Packaging.
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