Soy Does Not Impact Calcium Metabolism 33682Soy Does Not Impact Calcium Metabolism 33682
May 23, 2005
Soy Does Not Impact Calcium Metabolism
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind.Soyprotein and isoflavones do not appear to impact calcium metabolism, though theyhave been shown to have beneficial effects on bone health, according toresearchers from Purdue University. In their study, published in the AmericanJournal of Clinical Nutrition (81, 4:916-22, 2005), 15postmenopausal women followed three one-month dietary interventions in acrossover design: soy protein isolate with isoflavones, soy protein isolatewithout isoflavones and a casein-whey protein isolate.Urinary calcium excretionwas significantly less on the soy diets; however total fecal calcium excretion,bone deposition and resorption, and calcium retention were not affected by anyof the diets. The researchers concluded the lower urinary calcium was notassociated with improved calcium retention, indicating isoflavones did notsignificantly affect calcium metabolism.
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