You Know Who Also Evalulates Research? Consumers!You Know Who Also Evalulates Research? Consumers!
Sébastien Bornet, vice president, global sales and marketing, at Horphag Research says research can boost a brand more than traditional marketing.
October 1, 2015
In every industry, including the natural products industry, there has always been controversy about how companies best guarantee consumers’ access to products that are of premium quality, safety, and efficacy. When people shop, they expect distributors to ensure their favorite product is not only available and nicely packaged but trust manufacturers to check its origin, efficacy, and quality of the raw materials. These terms are what consumers expect from manufacturers of finished products and their sourcing teams.
This is precisely why, within our industry, there is a need to conduct independent clinical trials on both ingredients and products not only to have evidentiary support but also to ensure that nutritional claims are valid. This research must meet vigorous scientific standards in participants and protocol and be conducted by independent laboratories so credibility is not in question.
In our industry, research is sometimes more important than traditional marketing in protecting brands and gaining third-party recognition of product benefits. The story of the science behind the product makes it more effective to illustrate the deliverables to consumers as they search through pharmacy shelves looking for products that are worthy of their time and investment.
This level of credibility and consumer education is a key motivating factor in why Horphag Research has attained a pioneer role in research and development on its trademarked extract Pycnogenol®–a standardized natural extract from French maritime pine bark. Through decades of independent research–most of it peer-reviewed and published– \Pycnogenol® is (we believe) one of the most well-researched ingredients available on the market.
Pycnogenol® has a proprietary and patented production process plus a sizable portfolio of scientific studies that includes joint health, circulation, and sports nutrition.. To date, more than 90 percent of research worldwide on pine bark extract is on the Pycnogenol® brand. Pycnogenol boasts 40-plus years of research and 340 scientific publications—including more than 130 clinical trials on more than 10,000 patients. Its reputation is not due to coincidence, but years of dedication to research and ultimately consumer’s satisfaction.
It never stops. Products including Pycnogenol® are still subjected to rigorous testing to ensure valid claims are made by the companies that produce them.
As the nutritional supplement industry continues to grow, it is imperative that manufacturers invest further in research and development to ensure consumers’ confidence in their wellness investment. This kind of research shows effectiveness, real-life benefits, and refutes studies that seek attention by pushing consumers away from the assets that can help contribute to their greater health and wellness.
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