SupplySide East - Top Trends in a Post-Pandemic Age: State of the Health & Nutrition IndustrySupplySide East - Top Trends in a Post-Pandemic Age: State of the Health & Nutrition Industry
Take a look at the key trends of the dietary supplement industry in the wake of a global pandemic.
After consumer focus on immunity and adjacent conditions like stress and sleep spiked in 2020, attention shifted to general health. Herbs and botanicals continue to grow, and probiotics are stabilizing after turbulent years. A pandemic-inspired acceleration to e-commerce left some sales channels unsettled. In this data-rich presentation, Nutrition Business Journal content and insights director Bill Giebler will discuss key trends across the why (which conditions are driving purchase?) the what (which ingredient categories are poised for growth, and which are not?) and where (what do shifting sales channel dynamics foretell for brands and suppliers?) of the dietary supplement industry in the wake of a global pandemic.
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