Stratyc Launches Products, Services For Companies Doing E-BusinessStratyc Launches Products, Services For Companies Doing E-Business

December 1, 2000

1 Min Read
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Stratyc Launches Products, Services For Companies DoingE-Business

NEW YORK--Stratyc LLC launched services and products geared toward chemical,pharmaceutical and food processing companies that conduct e-business. Thisservice will not only enable companies to buy and sell online, but will alsohelp to better manage relationships with customers and vendors.

These proffered services and products are based on each customer's e-businesscapabilities. After an individualized analysis, Stratyc will provide custom,hosted e-business tools to integrate online links between that company'scustomers, distributors, vendors and its traditional operating systems.

"Stratyc shortcuts both the time and money needed to bring legacysystems...into the e-business age," said Paul Satre, Stratyc's presidentand chief executive officer. "Stratyc provides a needed pathway to theInternet and e-business that could only be duplicated by either hiring aninternal information technologies [IT] team to replicate what our companyalready has developed."

According to the company, it will focus on servicing companies that deal inliquids, powders and gasses. For more information, visit

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