CHPA Seeks New President, Elects Board MembersCHPA Seeks New President, Elects Board Members
January 14, 2002
CHPA Seeks New President, Elects Board Members
WASHINGTON--The Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA)is looking for a new president following the resignation of Michael Maves, M.D.Maves' resignation is effective Jan. 15, 2002, at which point he will become theexecutive vice president and chief executive officer of the American MedicalAssociation (AMA). CHPA ( retained a Washington-based executive search firm to head the efforts, whichare expected to be concluded by mid-2002. Robert Donovan, a CHPA board memberand president of the Council on Family Health, will serve as interim presidentduring the search.
"Mike Maves took the reigns at CHPA at a time of great transition andhas done an outstanding job," said Michael Valentino, CHPA chairman."He will be greatly missed, but we recognize the tremendous opportunity hisnew appointment represents and congratulate him on being selected." Maveswas honored at CHPA's November board meeting with the Ivan D. CombeDistinguished Service Award.
In other CHPA news, the association's board of directors elected tworepresentatives to the board: Timothy Callahan, president of U.S. ACNielsen, andDean DiMaria, vice president of Consumer HealthCare for Boehringer IngelheimPharmaceuticals. The board also elected new members of CHPA. Active membersinclude Ashbury Biologicals Inc., Toronto; Classic Pharmaceuticals LLC,Sherburne, N.Y.; Dynamic Nutrition Inc., Scottsdale, Ariz.; Norstar CPC Inc.,Kenosha, Wis.; and Product Quest Manufacturing Inc., Daytona Beach, Fla.Associate members are Berwick Mockler & Assoc., Pleasantville, N.Y.; EmersonGroup, Wayne, Pa.; Robert J. Kwait & Assoc., Cleveland; and NSFInternational, Ann Arbor, Mich.
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