Bunge Plans Grain Terminal in Pacific NWBunge Plans Grain Terminal in Pacific NW
June 2, 2009
ST. LOUISBunge North America, the North American operating arm of Bunge Limited announced it has created a joint venture with ITOCHU and STX Pan Ocean to build and operate a state-of-the-art export grain terminal at the Port of Longview, Wash.
The terminal will be capable of handling grain, oilseeds and protein meals. It features a rail loop track unloading system capable of holding four 110-car unit trains at any given time. The facility will include a shuttle train unloading system, as well as the capability to unload barges from the Columbia River. When it is fully operational, the facility will be able to handle more than eight million metric tons annually.
Construction will begin this month, with the facility accepting product for the Fall 2011 harvest.
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