FDA Inspects Sabinsa's Indian FacilitiesFDA Inspects Sabinsa's Indian Facilities
August 25, 2011
BANGALORE, IndiaAfter inspecting five of Sabinsas manufacturing facilities in India, FDA found no issues of concern in four of the facilities, but issued a 483 observation to the herbal intermediates manufacturing facility. The issue involved a polyliner becoming tangled in the conveyer belts leading to the extraction chamber, and Sabinsa reported it corrected the issue and sent the compliance report to FDA within days of the inspection. The corrective action included changing to HDPE bags without lining and improving the hopper and mesh at the point of feeding raw material into the extraction equipment.
While we would prefer, of course, a perfect inspection report, we remain proud of the quality of our manufacturing facilities," said Sabinsa marketing director Shaheen Majeed. We have a dedicated staff that takes great pride in the quality of our facilities."
Sami Labs, the manufacturing arm of Sabinsa Corporation, was audited by FDA per its registration requirements. The inspected factories are located in Kunigal, Nelamangala, Dobaspet (all in the state of Karnataka) and Genome Valley in Hyderabad.
Muhammed Majeed founded the Sabinsa Corporation in 1988, and in 1991, he set up Sami Labs Ltd., a research group in Bangalore, India. Today, Sami is a research, development and manufacturing group in the areas of standardized herbal extracts, cosmeceuticals, probiotics, spice extracts, minerals, fine chemicals, phytochemicals and specialized drug intermediates used in the nutritional, pharmaceutical and food industries. The combined companies have nearly 800 employees.
Sabinsa provides alternative and complementary natural products for human nutrition and well-being. Over the past 20 years, Sabinsa has brought to market more than 100 standardized botanical extracts and privately funded several clinical studies in conjunction with prestigious institutions in support of these products. Sabinsa develops and patents phytonutrients for the world market. All products intended for human consumption are certified kosher and halal.
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