Ahiflower Oil Shows Anti-Inflammatory & Immune-Modulatory PropertiesAhiflower Oil Shows Anti-Inflammatory & Immune-Modulatory Properties

The results of a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled human clinical trial are the first-ever reported indication of anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) expression from a plant-based omega-rich dietary oil in humans.

March 15, 2017

3 Min Read
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News Release

AhiflowerR oil, a unique vegan omega-rich dietary oil made by Natures Crops International, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and beneficial immune-modulatory properties typically associated with marine oils. The results of a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled human clinical trial were published recently in the journal Nutrients (2017;9(3):261). The findings are the first-ever reported indication of anti-inflammatorya cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) expression from a plant-based omega-rich dietary oil in humans.

IL-10 is one of the body’s natural tools to help quench excess inflammation after infection or strenuous exercise. That Ahiflower oil stimulates IL-10 production harnesses the body’s natural anti-inflammatory mechanism for achieving greater immune and exercise fitness benefits. Cytokines are protein molecules that are expressed by signaling cells in our bodies, especially during immune and other inflammation challenges. Low level acute inflammation is a natural immune response to help our bodies recover quickly and eliminate pain. Most cytokines promote “healthy acute" inflammation to help ward off infection and stimulate movement of helper cells to injury sites including sore muscles. For athletes and people seeking greater fitness, this is where the phrase, “No pain, no gain" comes in play. Muscle stress, recovery, and growth is a complex molecular biology process involving an interplay of numerous cellular interactions resulting from resistance exercise. At the root of this process however is a purposeful acute inflammation which IL-10 helps balance out.

Exercise Fitness, Inflammatory Response & Omegas

People with low levels of circulating IL-10 have been shown to have higher severity of immune disease response. Athletes who engage in high-intensity or extreme cardio-fitness workouts are known to have a higher susceptibility to upper respiratory disease, due to reduced auto-immune defense mechanisms during recovery.

Whether one is an athlete, senior, weekend warrior, or just someone looking to maintain good fitness, the ideal omega supplement is one that helps the body achieve acute purposeful inflammation but thwarts acute and chronic unnecessary injury. The current Ahiflower study’s authors led by Dr. Natalie LeFort at the University of Moncton noted that, “A dietary product which can increase circulating IL-10 could hold promise for the modulation of chronic inflammation."

Diet greatly influences how the body responds to acute and chronic inflammation alike. Omega-3 oils are known to stimulate anti-inflammatory responses in the body while excess omega-6 oils are known to be pro-inflammatory. Worse, too much of the wrong omega-6 can drown out the benefits of omega-3’s. Balance through diet is key.

Andrew Hebard, CEO and Founder, said “Ahiflower is the first plant-dervied oil to contain both of the right types of omega-3 and omega-6, in balanced levels, to support a healthy inflammatory response. This new clinical trial’s publication shows that Ahiflower oil has a special role to play in omega nutrition, especially for vegans, vegetarians, and people who are concerned about sustainability in their omega supplements."

Introduced in 2015, Ahiflower oil has the highest omega-3 SDA (stearidonic acid) available, plus beneficial naturally-occurring omega-6 GLA (gamma linolenic acid) not found in marine or algal omega-3 sources. Ahiflower’s SDA readily converts in our bodies to the same omega-3 EPA found in fish and krill oils—but without fishy after-taste or fishy burps. The first human clinical trial with Ahiflower in 2015 showed that Ahiflower oil converts to omega-3 EPA up to 4 times more efficiently than flaxseed oil.

Ahiflower is a planted crop grown in the UK and harvested for its seeds that are pressed to make Ahiflower oil. Greg Cumberford, VP Strategic Initiatives said, “Ahiflower oil is truly a unique and ideal omega-rich vegan source. This new study shows that Ahiflower adaptively provides both anti-inflammatory and healthy immune response mediators to our cell membranes." All-natural, pure, fully sustainable, and traceable, Ahiflower oil has the richest and most biologically advanced combination of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids from a single non-GMO plant.

For more information on the science and sustainability of Ahiflower oil, visit ahiflower.com.

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