HMO Begins Migraine StudyHMO Begins Migraine Study
March 1, 2000
HMO Begins Migraine Study
OAKLAND, Calif.--HMO Kaiser Permanente plans to conduct a double-blind,placebo-controlled trial of dietary supplement Migra-lieve, which is composed ofmagnesium, riboflavin and feverfew. Previously, these three supplements havebeen shown in scientific studies to prevent migraines. Migra-lieve will now betested to assess its migraine-preventing capability. Scheduled to begin earlythis year and run for approximately a year, this study is designed to evaluatemigraine frequency and severity in a subject over a 3-month period.
Migra-lieve, a combination of herbal and nutritional supplements, was createdby the Natural Science Corporation of America. This patent-pending supplement isalready being used by some physicians in clinical practice to combat migraines.
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