SupplySide West podcast: Translating nutrition science to the plateSupplySide West podcast: Translating nutrition science to the plate
In this SupplySide West edition of the Healthy INSIDER Podcast, Rachel Adams, managing editor, and Amanda Archibald, registered dietician and principal at the Genomic Kitchen, tackle the question: How do we translate nutrition science to the plate?
October 19, 2018
Nutrigenomics is the study of how food and food constituents impact how genes behave. Science increasingly demonstrates the potential for food to impact health via its impact on gene expression, but without culinary application, the practical impact on population health is limited. In this SupplySide West edition of the Healthy INSIDER Podcast, Rachel Adams, managing editor, and Amanda Archibald, registered dietician and principal at the Genomic Kitchen, tackle the question: How do we translate nutrition science to the plate? Adams and Archibald discuss:
Nutrigenetics vs. nutrigenomics, and the concept of culinary genomics;
How use of specific ingredients that contain bioactives can turn certain genes “on” and others “off;” and
How the concept of culinary genomics can be applied at large scale to impact health.
Links and resources:
“Personalized Nutrition: Leveraging Technology and Big Data to Provide Actionable Insight and Effective Solutions” Workshop, Nov. 7 at 9 a.m. at SupplySide West in Las Vegas
Got feedback? Email Rachel at [email protected], or tweet to @NatProdINSIDER using the hashtag #INSIDERpodcast
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