The Next Generation of Dairy and Dairy Alternative Foods & BeveragesThe Next Generation of Dairy and Dairy Alternative Foods & Beverages
Whether delivering a nutritional boost, replacing a meal or satisfying a snack attack, dairy and dairy-alternative foods and beverages are expanding their reach when it comes to flavor, innovation and texture. Download INSIDERs Digital Issue "The Next Generation of Dairy and Dairy Alternative Foods & Beverages" for more information on market trends, such as protein or probiotic fortification, nutrient-dense yogurt creations, and sweet and savory flavor combinations. Takeaways include: *Dairy and dairy alternatives are popular deliverables for trending nutrients, including protein. *On-the-go dairy products, such yogurt and cheese snacks, offer nutrition that fits into busy lifestyles. *Fusions of eating occasions, flavors and cultures have yielded new products that are gaining consumer attention.
January 28, 2016
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Table of Contents
Competition, Innovation Thrive in the Dairy and Dairy Alternative Markets
The Next Generation of Dairy and Dairy-Alternative Foods and Beverages
The Last Bite
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