Simone Biles needs CBD | Drink up!Simone Biles needs CBD | Drink up!

Can intake of select dietary supplements lead to a better Olympics? Alcohol has been used in the Oly games since the Greeks tippled on red wine before, during and after the games 2,500 years ago. Is it still a thing?

August 2, 2021

1 Min Read
IITA Episode 11

The Olympics are on, and performance-modulation is a thing. Look no further than American gymnast Simone Biles, who backed out of competition because of mental health issues—specifically, stress, sleep and nerves. We can’t help but think CBD! The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has approved CBD for athletes. So why aren’t they all taking some?

We also talk about other performance-modulating pursuits such as nutrigenomics—i.e., how nutrients in food can modulate gene expression.

Speaking of modulating expression, let’s talk alcohol! Can it really help athletes? Or is it best relegated to the couch and stands? Tune in to learn more!

This week's special guests:

  • Andrea Wong, Ph.D., Council for Responsible Nutrition

  • Jim Tonkin, Healthy Brand Builders

  • Shane Starling, Stardust Komms


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