Capitalizing on hemp and CBDCapitalizing on hemp and CBD
The SupplySide West Agricultural Hemp Summit: CBD and beyond explores opportunities in a market poised for great growth.
Countries across the globe have grown and used hemp for literally thousands of years. In the modern world, the plant’s industrial uses range from bio-fuel to textiles. According to Hemp Industries Association, China and France are the biggest growers and exporters of hemp products, with many coming to the United States due to stringent agricultural regulations.
On Oct. 10, the SupplySide West Agricultural Hemp Summit: CBD and Beyond will explore opportunities in a market poised for great growth. Sponsored by CannaVest, the Summit features five industry experts to help attendees break down agricultural hemp’s current regulations, research and possibilities.
First, Chris Boucher, vice president, product development, CannaVest, will discuss hemp’s vast opportunities in the marketplace. Boucher will analyze the regulatory status of hemp, in addition to the quality control and supply chain issues crucial to ensure high-quality products.
The second and third sessions take a look at the science behind cannabinoids. In a presentation by Alexandros Makriyannis, Ph.D., Northeastern University, attendees will learn the past and current research supporting these compounds—and their potential in both the human and animal sectors. Joshua Hartsel, Ph.D., senior research scientist, CannaVest, will then hone in on cannabidiol (CBD), one of hemp’s 100-plus phytocannabinoids.
CBD is proving promising in numerous health arenas, including sleep, stress management and more. Joseph Maroon, M.D., clinical professor, neurological surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, will outline cannabidiol’s application opportunities from a medical professional’s standpoint.
You’re armed with regulatory and scientific knowledge, now it’s time to put it to use. In the Summit’s last session, Stuart Tomc, vice president, human nutrition, CannaVest, will discuss how brands can differentiate themselves with CBD for skyrocketing growth.
Join these industry experts for the Agricultural Hemp Summit: CBD and the Hemp Revolution at SupplySide West, held at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas from Oct. 6 to 10. To learn more about the INSIDER education track and additional Summits and to register, visit
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