Aloe Vera Increases Absorption of Vitamins E, C 37057Aloe Vera Increases Absorption of Vitamins E, C 37057
December 5, 2005
Aloe Vera Increases Absorption of Vitamins E, C
SCRANTON, Pa.--Aloe vera appearsto increase absorption of vitamins E and C by slowing the nutrients'assimilation and prolonging concentrations in blood plasma, according to a studypublished in Phytomedicine(12, 10:760-5, 2005).
Researchers assessed the plasma bioavailability of the vitamins in normalfasting subjects, with eight subjects for vitamin C and 10 subjects for vitaminE. In a random crossover design, the subjects consumed either 500 mg of vitaminC as ascorbic acid or 420 mg of vitamin E acetate alone (control), or acombination of the vitamins with 2 oz of two different aloe preparations (awhole leaf extract, or an inner fillet gel). Blood was collected periodically upto 24 hours after consumption. Plasma was analyzed for ascorbate and tocopherolby high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet radiationdetection.
Researchers found only aloe vera gel caused a significant increase in plasmaascorbate after eight and 24 hours. Compared to controls, only the aloesproduced a significant increase in plasma tocopherol after six and eight hours.Both aloes were significantly different from the control after eight hours,and the aloe vera gel was significantly different from the baseline after 24hours. The aloe vera gel and aloe leaf preparation slowed down absorption of thevitamins equally, with maximum concentrations two to four hours later than thecontrol.
The study results indicate aloe gel and extract improve the absorption ofboth vitamins C and E by slowing vitamin absorption and prolonging plasmaconcentrations of the vitamins. According to the study authors, aloe vera is theonly known supplement to increase the absorption of vitamins C and E, and shouldbe considered a complement to them.
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