Omega-3s Help Mens BonesOmega-3s Help Mens Bones
April 9, 2007
UMEÅ , Sweden—Omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) were positively associated with bone mineral accrual and peak bone mineral density (BMD) in young men (Am J Clin Nutr, 85, 3:803-7, 2007). Using a cohort of 78 healthy young men with a mean age of 16.7 years at baseline, researchers from Umeå University measured BMD of total body, hip and spine at baseline and at 22 and 24 years of age. Fatty acid concentrations were measured in the phospholipid fraction of serum at age 22.
Concentrations of n-3 fatty acids generally, and of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) specifically, were positively associated with total and spine BMD at age 22; positive correlations between overall n-3s and DHA and changes in spine BMD were found between the ages of 16 and 22.
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