Ipriflavone Supplements May Not Prevent Bone LossIpriflavone Supplements May Not Prevent Bone Loss
November 1, 2000
Ipriflavone Supplements May Not Prevent Bone Loss
APTOS, Calif.--A new study, presented at the annual meeting of the AmericanSociety for Bone and Mineral Research on Sept. 26, showed that ipriflavonesupplementation in postmenopausal women may not prevent bone loss. Researchersstudied 474 women between 57 and 69 years of age who took 500 mg of calciumalong with 200 mg of ipriflavones or a placebo per day for three years. Bonemineral density (BMD) and biochemical markers for bone resorption were assessedat the beginning of the study and every three months thereafter. The annualpercentage of change for BMD was virtually the same for both groups. However,lymphocyte concentration decreased in ipriflavone-supplemented women, with 29women developing asymptomatic lymphopenia during treatment, the clinicalrelevance of which needs further study.
Technical Sourcing International Inc. (TSI), makers of Ostivoneipriflavones, sent a letter to its manufacturing customers refuting this study.The letter encouraged the continued use of appropriate statements and warningson all dietary supplements, and put the convention's research in perspectivewith current efficacy and safety information.
TSI plans to fund an independent third party meta-analysis of all publishedstudies on ipriflavones. The company is also assessing the possibility of aNorth American clinical study. For more information about TSI's response, visit www.webtsi.com
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