Dr. Oz praises krill oilDr. Oz praises krill oil
Krill oil may offer a higher concentration of omega-3's when compared to fish oil supplementation.
November 28, 2011
Dr. Mehmet Oz said krill oil may be even better than fish oil for fighting diseases on his "Dr. Oz" show in late November. During the segment, he said krill may be a "faster and stronger" omega-3 source than fish oil.
Dr. Oz used an infographic to show krill oil has been shown to more bioavailable than fish oil. He referenced a study that showed krill oil has more omega-3s than a similar dose of fish oil.
He also noted that krill oil contains astaxanthin, which he said helps krill oil from becoming oxidized.
Dr. Oz brought up audience member Holly for the segment. He had kill laid out on a table and asked Holly to taste one of the "little shrimp." While she said she didn't like the taste, she noted the krill oil capsules are smaller than the fish oil pills she usually takes for her high cholesterol.
Industry has often benefited from the "Dr. Oz effect," where sales increase after he talks about natural products on his show. Earlier this year, he aired a segment on astaxanthin. He's also touted other marine ingredients, such as spirulina, and superfruits, such as acai.
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