Unigens Lasoperin Results Highlighted at ConferenceUnigens Lasoperin Results Highlighted at Conference
November 8, 2004
Unigens Lasoperin Results Highlighted at Conference
BROOMFIELD, Colo.BruceBurnett, director of discovery and screening at Unigen Pharmaceuticals, releasedhis study results on Unigens polyphenol compound, Lasoperin, at the 12thInternational Conference on Polyphenols, which took place in Helsinki, Finland,in August.
Burnetts abstract, A Combination Free-B-Ring Flavonoidsand Flavan, Anti-Inflammatory Plant Extract Increases Memory and Speed ofProcessing in Animal and Human Clinical Models, was one of 50 chosen forpresentation at the conference.
Unigens (www.unigenpharma.com) discovery and screeningdepartment has been working on the mechanism of action of the compounds. Themechanism is related to the suppression of inflammation in the brain. Burnettsuggests inflammation is one of the leading causes of brain dysfunction aspeople age, and that reducing these innate inflammatory responses is key inretaining proper brain function.
Lasoperin is a new way of thinking in cognitivesupplementation and part of the next generation of cognition enhancementproductsand other novel productsin Unigens product pipeline, saidRegan Miles, Unigens executive vice president.
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