SOD Protects Against Sun DamageSOD Protects Against Sun Damage
May 23, 2005
SOD Protects Against Sun Damage
MORRISTOWN, N.J.Superoxidedismutase (SOD) protects skin against illness incurred from sun exposure,according to a proprietary study conducted on the ingredient GliSODin®(supplied by P.L. Thomas & Co.).
In an open, 60-day trial conducted by dermatologists, 150 volunteers wereassigned to three different groups and given 500 mg/d of GliSODin 15 days priorto and during sun exposure. Group 1 included 75 patients prone to flushing,Group 2 consisted of 60 patients with sun allergy and Group 3 contained 15patients susceptible to other sun-related reactions including pruritus, solareczema and rashes. The test subjects sunbathed as usual and continued to usetheir regular sun screen (sun protection factor [SPF] 20 to 100). In Group 1, 85percent had no sunburn, 8 percent had diminished episodes and 6 percentcontracted sunburn. In Group 2, 73 percent of test subjects did not experienceallergic reaction, 10 percent had a reduced reaction and 16 percent sustained anallergic reaction. All patients in Group 3 showed no negative reactions.
Overall, 86 percent of test subjects showed no harmful sunlightinducedreactions. The participants also reported their skin was well prepared forexposure to the sun (n=110), they tanned more with less exposure to the sun(n=76) and GliSODin accelerated the tanning process (n=62).
The researchers concluded GliSODin prepares the skin for exposure to thesun and undeniably improves the condition of both the patients skin andgeneral condition.
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