Low Folic Acid Intake May Affect Male Fertility 36520Low Folic Acid Intake May Affect Male Fertility 36520
April 1, 2001
Low Folic Acid Intake May Affect Male Fertility
SAN FRANCISCO--In a study in the February issue of Fertility and Sterility (75, 2:252-9, 2001), it was reported that low folic acid intake may lead to low sperm count in males. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Agricultural Research Service's (ARS) Western Human Nutrition Research Center (WHNRC) in Davis, Calif., reported that low folate levels may lead to poor development and repair of sperm DNA, which may lead to chromosome abnormalities resulting in cancer in the men's offspring, according to an article from the Associated Press (AP). Researchers, led by Lynn Wallock from the WHNRC, stated that smokers may experience the largest decrease in folate blood levels, the AP reported. For additional information, visit www.asrm.com/Professionals/Fertility&Sterility/fspage.htm.
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