Fruitworx to be Featured During Innovations Episode with Ed Begley Jr.
Fruitworx, the real fruit pieces supplied by Welch's Global Ingredients Group, will be featured in a segment during Innovations with Ed Begley Jr. airing on November 17 on the Discovery Channel.
November 14, 2016
News Release
Fruitworx, the real fruit pieces supplied by Welch’s Global Ingredients Group, will be featured this month in a segment during Innovations with Ed Begley, Jr., the popular educational TV show airing via the world-famous Discovery Channel.
It’s highly unusual for an ingredient such as Fruitworx to be chosen to appear in such a high-profile show, and it reflects the unique technology, developed by Welch’s partner company, Taura Natural Ingredients, that goes into making these specialty 100% fruit pieces, which are based on Welch’s own Concord and Niagara grapes.
These delicious and nutritious grapes can now be taken “outside the bottle” and used in a wide range of applications, from snack bars and cereals to confectionary and bakery items. Fruitworx will be the first segment in the show, which premieres on November 17, 2016 at 7.30 am EST and 7.30 am PST, through Discovery Channel.
To learn more, visit Welch's website.
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