CLA Benefits Diabetic WomenCLA Benefits Diabetic Women
July 16, 2009
LA GRANGE, Ill.Supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA; as Tonalin® CLA, from Cognis) and safflower oil (SAF) exerted different effects on body mass index (BMI), total and trunk adipose mass and lean tissue mass in obese postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers concluded supplementation with these dietary oils may be beneficial for weight loss, glycemic control or both (2009; DOI:10.3945/ajcn.2008.27371). The 36-week randomized, double-masked, crossover study gave 55 obese postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes SAF or CLA (8 g oil/d) during two 16-week diet periods separated by a four-week washout period.
Thirty-five women completed the 36-week intervention. Supplementation with CLA reduced BMI (P=0.0022) and total adipose mass (P=0.0187) without altering lean mass. The effect of CLA in lowering BMI was detected during the last eight weeks of each 16-week diet period. In contrast, SAF had no effect on BMI or total adipose mass but reduced trunk adipose mass (P=0.0422) and increased lean mass (P=0.0432). SAF also significantly lowered fasting glucose (P=0.0343) and increased adiponectin (P=0.0051). No differences were observed in dietary energy intake, total fat intake and fat quality in either diet period for either intervention.
We now have compelling scientific evidence suggesting CLA could help diabetics manage their body weight over the long term, said the studys principal investigator, Martha Belury, Ph.D., Carol S. Kennedy professor at Department of Human Nutrition, Ohio State University. With escalating numbers of diabetics worldwide, our research indicates CLA could be safe and effective in helping to reduce body fat, a contributing factor to this rapidly growing disease."
Doris Bell, Ph.D., senior research platform manager, Cognis, and a co-author of the study, added, This trial adds to the totality of evidence and confirms the results of more than a dozen clinical studies demonstrating the fat-loss benefits of Tonalin CLA in lean, overweight or obese people.
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