Beta-Glucan Reduces Allergy SymptomsBeta-Glucan Reduces Allergy Symptoms
January 3, 2013
EAGAN, Minn.A new study published in the journal Food Science & Nutrition showed individuals taking a proprietary bakers yeast beta-glucan (Wellmune WGP® from Biothera) had reduced allergy symptoms and improved the quality of life of ragweed allergy sufferers.
The randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded study involved 48 healthy people equally divided into two groups. One group consumed a placebo, while the other group consumed a 250 mg serving of Wellmune WPG daily for four weeks in an area of southeast Ohio where pollen counts are high. Participants completed allergy surveys, including the Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire (RQLQ) to asses differences in allergy symptoms.
Participants subjected to high pollen counts demonstrated statistically significant reductions in overall symptoms and severity, reductions in nasal and eye-related allergy symptoms and improvement on the Quality of Life Index.
The findings suggest that Wellmune WGP can play an effective role in reducing seasonal allergy symptoms among ragweed allergy sufferers," said Shawn M. Talbott, Ph.D., lead investigator, GLH Nutrition LLC.
The study found Wellmune WGP modulated the immune system when less of an immune response was needed; results demonstrate that Wellmune can prime the immune system to keep the body healthy.
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