Holistic aging from the inside out
What was once a very neat and easily defined product class—largely aimed toward women, with traditional ingredients for hair, skin and nails—is being blurred with other areas of possible influence.
When it comes to healthy aging, consumers are no longer simply looking for a product that just helps them look good.
A shift has been made to holistic aging, as consumers increasingly understand the value of taking nutraceuticals that may impact numerous areas of their overall health. This can mean anything from the potential for improved immunity or gut health with probiotics, to vitality with adaptogens, and even products for improved joints that help individuals live a more active lifestyle.
Alongside this, consumers also value nutraceutical products that feature natural ingredients, clean labels and good ethics. This is particularly true of those buying holistic aging products.
Quality of life is becoming a greater focal point as people age. What was once a very neat and easily defined product class—largely aimed toward women, with traditional ingredients for hair, skin and nails—is being blurred with other areas of possible influence. Additionally, the trend for improved quality of life applies to men (and even calls on delivery formats such as gummies) to improve lost performance. Areas of concern now showing up in healthy aging encompass memory, cognition, vision, mobility, bone and muscle, cardiovascular, kidney and gastrointestinal (GI) wellness.
Interested in healthy aging? Click the links to access our “longevity paradigm