SupplySide Stage: Product Formulation - trends and innovationSupplySide Stage: Product Formulation - trends and innovation
Take a look at the trends with the greatest momentum in the natural products and health and wellness marketplace to help brands anticipate customer’s needs, position their products with marketplace opportunities and inspire innovation pipelines.
November 2, 2022
Trends are fun and frustrating at the same time. Being on the leading edge often means making decisions without the confidence that comes from well-established data, but waiting for well-established trend data to show up in point-of-sales systems may lead to falling behind your competitors. Join us as Bill Giebler and Claire Morton share results from the NEXT & Nutrition Business Journal (NBJ) data that reveals the trends with the greatest potential for scale and longevity. Giebler and Morton will illustrate the top trends, empirically derived by looking at consumer attitudes toward 35 trends specific to the natural products and health and wellness categories. They will reveal the trends with the greatest momentum in the marketplace to help brands anticipate customer’s needs, position their products with marketplace opportunities, and to help inspire innovation pipelines.
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