Citicoline Fights Cognitive DeclineCiticoline Fights Cognitive Decline
November 24, 2010
MADRID, SpainCiticoline, also known as CDP-choline, has been extensively studied for its ability to support cognitive health, although the precise mechanisms of action are still unknown (J Neurol Sci. ePub 27 Sept 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2010.08.027). A review out of Universidad Autonoma de Madrid noted citicoline has a beneficial effect on several cognitive domains; however, the methodological heterogeneity of most studies of the compound make it difficult to draw conclusions on the mechanism of action. They did note experimental models in acute cerebral ischaemia suggest CDP-choline could exert a brain repair effect. While further trials with uniform diagnostic criteria and standardized neuropsychological assessment, as well as the use of neuroimaging procedures, are needed to develop an understanding of citicolines activity, its relative safety profile and reported efficacy make it increasingly popular in aging populations.
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