Nabisco Extends Into Supplement MarketNabisco Extends Into Supplement Market
January 1, 2000
Nabisco Extends Into Supplement Market
NEW YORK--Nabisco is extending its reach into the supplement market with its increasedmarketing budget for its Knox NutraJoint supplement. The supplement uses Glucosamine, andNabisco sees the extra spending as a good way to profit from a high-growth segment of thesupplement market. "In three years, the joint-health segment has grown similar insize to [the] calcium business," said Everette Fortner, vice president-managingdirector of functional foods at Nabisco. According to Fortner, after testing two specificmarkets with television ads, sales in those markets rose 20 percent, compared to marketsthat were not getting the televised ads. Nabisco will continue to market its NutraJointproduct on television, due to the response.
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