Almonds Get Heart-Check Mark ApprovalAlmonds Get Heart-Check Mark Approval
February 22, 2012
MODESTO, Calif.The American Heart Association (AHA) recently deemed almonds as a heart healthy food by allowing its Heart-Check Food Certification Programs Heart-Check mark to be featured on almond packaging.
"Nutrition research has long supported the heart health benefits of almonds," said Jenny Heap, MS, RD, Health Professional Marketing Manager, Almond Board of California. "Now consumers will be able to more easily identify almonds in the supermarket as a heart-smart food, helping take the guess work out of shopping."
Two decades of almond research to date has been recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) showing that the nut's nutrient profile supports healthy heart functions, with more studies being undertaken to support these findings every year. In each 1-ounce serving, or about a handful of almonds, provide 6 grams of protein, 13 grams of good unsaturated fat, 1 gram of saturated fat, are naturally cholesterol-free, and contain fiber (3.5g), calcium (75mg), vitamin E (7.4mg), riboflavin (0.3mg) and niacin (1mg), all of which contribute to a healthy heart.
The Almond Board of California recently launched a series of commercials highlighting the heart-healthy attributes of this delicious, crunchy snack by using a funny, heart-shaped spokesperson who just loves almonds. The "Hearts Love Almonds" commercials can be seen at the Almond Board's You Tube page at as well as on ESPN and the Discovery Channel.
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