KitoZyme Receives CE Certification and Marketing Authorization for Two New ProductsKitoZyme Receives CE Certification and Marketing Authorization for Two New Products
KitoZyme has received the CE certification and the marketing authorization for the entire European market for two new medical devices to prevent and treat certain intestinal diosorders. Through scientific partnerships with foreign and Belgian universities, KitoZyme has perfected KiOtransine®, a new prebiotic which contributes to the restoration of the microbiota equilibrium, without causing adverse reactions to the intestinal system.
December 16, 2016
KitoZyme has received the CE certification and the marketing authorization for the entire European market for two new medical devices to prevent and treat certain intestinal diosorders. Through scientific partnerships with foreign and Belgian universities, KitoZyme has perfected KiOtransine®, a new prebiotic which contributes to the restoration of the microbiota equilibrium, without causing adverse reactions to the intestinal system.
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